Sunday, September 4, 2011

Diary Entry #9

Dear Diary,
The teacher says that on Monday we won't have school cuz
it's Labor Day, whatever that is.  I think it has something to do
with workers having their day off.  I asked mommie what labor
meant and then she pulled out a big fat word book called a
"dictiomanarie".  It's filled with words.  Mommie flipped the pages
as if she knew what she was doing and then she showed me where
it said labor and then it said"Noun: Work, esp. hard physical work: "manual 
labor"  Verb: Work hard; make great effort."  So that's why I think Labor Day is

a day off for people who do hard work, like me at school.  One day I almost 
fell asleep in class because I woke up Super Early at like 6:30 am in the 
morning!!!!!  But then my friend told me it was paint time so I gotted up.

So on Labor Day I'm gonna do these things (I'm making a list):
・Sleep in late!!!
・Eat bananas
・Make sure mommie does no work
・Play with Dolly

I don't know of anything else to do, but I'll work it out!! Bye-Bee!!!